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Daily Grind- A Daily Planning Page for All Kinds of Minds

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Does your child need help planning? Are their assignments posted in too many places? Does your night seem scrambled and disjointed?

Then this daily planning page will help your child (and you)!

  • Get a big picture of the day
  • Pull information from your brain as well as all of the "places" assignments are located
  • Learn to "see and feel" time in order to plan accordingly
  • Break down assignments into smaller chunks and plan accordingly
  • Make time for chores
  • Be sure to plan for relaxation and fun (device free!)

The planning tool is designed based on proven executive function organizational skills for middle and high school aged students.

When you purchase, you will be mailed a 100 page front to back notepad. Each day, your child can fill out a planning page and be instantly organized. Designed to provide enough pages for an entire school year.